Dr. Alon Ben-Gal
SA R&D – Scientific Director.
Received a BSc in Soil and Water Sciences from The University of California, Davis and MSc in Environmental Science and PhD in Soil Physics and Irrigation from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Utah State University and was a visiting sabbatical scientist at Wageningen University. Dr Ben-Gal has served as Scientific Director of Southern Arava R&D since 2011.
Dr. Alon Ben-Gal is a senior researcher in the Department of Environmental Physics and Irrigation, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, The Agricultural Research Organization, Gilat Research Center, Israel. Dr. Ben-Gal’s interests may be best described as: “X-treme agriculture: managing water in the arid zones”. His research and expertise include: irrigation of crops; agricultural utilization of saline water and of recycled wastewater; optimization of water under irrigation in arid regions; plant response to environmental stress conditions; and flow and transport of water and solutes in the vadose zone. He enjoys active multi-disciplinary regional and multi-national collaboration on topics promoting agricultural water use efficiency and is the author of over 50 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. https://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/631.aspx
Contact Me:
- Mobile Phone: 050-6220125
- E-Mail: bengal@Vvolcani.agri.gov.il